As social events slowly resume after nearly a two year hiatus, we may need to reacquaint ourselves with the art of small talk. By "we", I mean "I".
Since, overthinking is an area in which I excel (lucky me), I have compiled a list of questions that are both versatile and curious.
In case you find yourself in the same situation, or in case you want to be prepared with an answer for when I see you next - here is my list:
I'm thinking about Christmas gifts. What gift have you found to be the most useful?
I'm always looking for recommendations, have you read any good books lately? (Alternatively, have you found any great Podcasts?)
My friend just let me try this amazing locally made body butter. Have you found any new amazing products?
A friend game me a basket of lemons. I have a few ideas, but am curious to know if you have any uses that you would recommend.
Your hair is beautiful - what is your secret?
I'm thinking of changing up my workout routine, what are you doing for exercise these days?
I'm finding myself in a bit of a routine, where do you like to go for lunch?
Seasonally Appropriate
Question of the season, what is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
We are going to have leftover turkey, what is your favorite way to use leftover turkey?
Do you have any traditions that you look forward to at this time of year?
Is there anything exciting on your Christmas wish list this year?
There's always so much for us to do on Christmas Eve. How do you convince your kids to go to sleep?
We kicked off the Christmas season by watching Elf. Do you have any movies that you watch every year?
Do you have anything on your bucket list for the New Year?
General Curiosities
I know what you are currently doing, but what was your first job?
When life gets crazy, I find myself finding a moment of peace as I sip my coffee. Do you have a favorite comfort food?
I have been learning so much from my MasterClass subscription. Would you ever consider teaching a MasterClass? What would it be?
I'm dreaming about a vacation these days, do you have anywhere you'd love to visit?
We have been enjoying watching some of our favorite moves from the 90's with the kids. Men in Black was funnier than we remembered. Do you have any family favorites?
I know we should be wishing for rain right now, but I sure am enjoying the clear skies. Have you enjoyed any outdoor activities lately?
You and your spouse are so happy together, how did you meet?
Connectivity is so important in our world today. Whether you choose to think about conversation starters in advance, or wing it, I hope you make time to connect with people.