Surprise…I’m going to bet that when you read that word one of two things happened. Either your heart skipped a beat with excitement or you cringed at the mere thought.
I love a good surprise. When browsing online, it didn’t take much for the MightyFix monthly shipment from Mighty Nest to catch my attention. After nine months, one might expect that the newness would wear off and the arrival of the shipments would become predictable…it has happened before (yes, I am a repeat offender when it comes to subscriptions).
What makes MightyFix unique?
Maybe it’s that I appreciate the care that’s put into finding the seemingly custom sized shipping box for the item. Each month I have come to expect a different sized box or mailing envelope. A far cry from some shipments I have received. I kid you not when I say that I once received a pair of socks in a box more appropriately sized for a microwave.
Maybe it’s the suspense of not knowing it’s intended impact. Will this item find a home in our kitchen, as it did when we received the bees wax wrap to replace the plastic wrap? Perhaps I will store the item in my car awaiting use at the grocery, like when I received mesh produce bags? Or maybe it will be something completely different and our pup will receive a nutritious elk antler chew toy?
Maybe it’s that I know whatever is inside is a small effort to do something better for our family, and sometimes our world. Ok, take it down a notch, I realize that one plastic bag won’t change the world, but being mindful of our impact can.
Whatever the reason, I find myself unable to contain my curiosity when the little parcel arrives. More often than not, before leaving the mailbox, I peel back the shipping tape to reveal the new gem.
With this admittedly ridiculous affinity for these little boxes - I knew disappointment was bound to happen at some point. This was that month. The first letdown.
My installment included a two-ounce container of All Good Goop. A salve?! Eeew. Sticky and greasy, these are the words that came to mind. Major bummer. I took it pretty well, it smelled nice (kind of lavendery), it had at least one redeeming factor. The little jar made its way to my bathroom counter awaiting its likely fate of storage and unlike fate of use.
Spoiler, I was wrong. Goop is amazing!
A night or two later (sometimes the evenings become a blur), I was talking with my husband while getting ready for bed, and realized mid conversation that I was scratching my arm a lot. It was that unmistakable beginning of a silver-dollar sized patch of poison oak. This is a somewhat regular occurrence given that the plant is ubiquitous on our property. I gave the rash a good scrub while in the shower and hoped for the best. As I was brushing my teeth, the container of Goop caught my eye. Deciding that I had nothing to lose, I threw a little bit on the angry rash just below my wrist. I continued getting ready for bed not expecting much from the goo. I am quite certain that my jaw dropped in astonishment when I recognized a short time later that the itching stopped, and the redness was a pale pink! Amazing! As an added bonus it wasn’t as sticky or as greasy as I had expected. This Goop was quickly becoming a rising star in my life.
In the morning, there was no redness. A bit of the bumpy rash itself remained, but the inflammation was gone. After my morning shower, some of the redness and inflammation returned (I suppose I could have prevented this by taking a cold shower, but I think we can all agree that would be a terrible way to start the day). Viewing this as a full-on science experiment, I layered on more Goop and felt relief for the entire day. “No way” you are thinking, “she’s being dramatic”. I kid you not, this was my experience. I had no idea what I had been missing. My husband, intrigued by my success, found himself with a small cut, and added a bit of Goop. We were both curious to see if he too would have results from this miracle ointment. The next day his cut appeared less inflamed and even a bit healed.
Goop has earned its place in our home. It smells good, is made of all-natural, organic ingredients, including olive oil and beeswax, calendula, plantain, lavender, yarrow, vitamin E, and essential oils. It's gluten-free, it's GMO-free, it’s practically perfect.
The label says it benefits cuts, scrapes, cracked heels, burns, bites, diaper rash. If you have something that needs soothing, try this. “Goop it up” may be my new catch phrase.